Re: 1936 super 8 water jacket distrubution plate
Forum Ambassador
I assume in order to get more-or-less uniform flow volumes across the length, the hole diameter varies front to rear in the Eight plates, it doesn't make any sense to me that the Super 8 plates would be different.
Posted on: 2018/2/28 14:40
Re: 1936 super 8 water jacket distribution plate
Quite a regular
I'm not sure they are. Does anyone have an old 1936 water jacket distribution plate they could measure the hole size. Thanks
Posted on: 2018/2/28 17:15
Re: 1936 super 8 water jacket distrubution plate
Quite a regular
Does anyone know if the holes in a 1936 plate is the same as a 1929? The 1929 plate I have access to is 1/2 inch holes. Thanks
Posted on: 2018/3/1 10:58
Re: 1936 super 8 water jacket distrubution plate
Forum Ambassador
Lots of differences in the design of the plates over the years, I don't know if this is helpful to you or not. Sorry I can't credit the photo, forgot where I got it from.
Posted on: 2018/3/1 14:46
Re: 1936 super 8 water jacket distrubution plate
Quite a regular
Thanks Owen that's just what I needed.
Posted on: 2018/3/4 5:08