Re: 1938 packard 8 coil
Forum Ambassador
If you're in doubt about your coil, why not just buy a universal 6-volt coil from NAPA or any other auto parts store? Hook it up temporarily with a jumper to power and see if there is a difference. If you chose to install it permanently, you'll have to work your way around the armoured cable though there are folks out there who can rewind a coil and repair/restore the original coil to ignition switch configuration.
Last time I priced a NAPA universal 6-volt coil it was about $16, probably more by now. And if you don't need it now, it should be part of your spares kit if you tour with the car. The usual symptoms of pending coil failure are that the car starts and runs find when cold, ignition begins to break up as the coil warms up, and this gets progressively worse. Symptom is often mistaken for a failing distributor condensor. Another possibility in your case if you still have the coil feed wire within the armoured steel sheath is that the insulation on that wire is crumbling, though that more often manifests itself as intermittent ignition failure.
Posted on: 2012/12/13 12:44
Re: 1938 packard 8 coil
Home away from home
Old time auto parts web site has the 6v coils also
Posted on: 2012/12/13 14:54