Re: 32 Oil Pan
Forum Ambassador
1. Couldn't hurt to remove the main bearing feed manifold to make sure it's clean inside. New gaskets easy to cut from plain gasket paper.
2. Depends how adventuresome you want to be. Dropping a couple of rod bearing caps to see the condition of the babbit and the clearances would be tempting; you could also make the case for leaving it alone. 3. You can make the gaskets and the cork float easily enough. Coat the cork with shellac. I'm not aware of a kit. 4. I presume you mean the oil pan gaskets? I use gasket cement on the pan side, and light grease on the crankcase; this still allows easy removal later. 5. Probably a good choice though with roller tappet cam it's really not needed at all. I use an SAE 30 detergent in my 34 (Forumla Shell SAE30) and have for decades. 6. Mine takes about 7-1/2 w/o the filter. Your EF-2 Purolator probably holds about a pint. 7. The oil pump sits submerged below the oil level of the crankcase so no need to be concerned with priming it. Give me a call if you want to chat further about it, number's in the club directory. Dave PS - as to how you described your car, you probably meant to say a Light Eight, not a Standard Eight?
Posted on: 2014/3/5 23:51