30's lighted under dash variable switch
Quite a regular
Looking for a lighted variable speed switch for the heater on a 37 115c
Posted on: 2014/3/13 21:06
Re: 30's lighted under dash variable switch
Forum Ambassador
Does your heater need the 4 wire reversible switch for heat/defrost action or just a single wire variable speed?
If you just need the 1 wire switch, there is this one on ebay. It is aftermarket but lighted and variable & looks an awfully lot like some I've seen in Packards. Obviously wouldn't work if you need the 4 wire type though. If something like this would work you could probably get a repro plastic from Yesterday's Radio and no one would know the difference. Was Packard's switch full variable or just 2 or 3 fixed speeds?
Posted on: 2014/3/13 21:35