Re: 1930 733 Vacuum pressure
Forum Ambassador
I've not seen manifold vacuum ever listed as a manufacturer's "spec", probably because it's kind of a universal, pretty much the same regardless of make, year, # of cylinders, etc. My '34 gives about 19 inches at idle. Your vacuum is suspect low, look for a leak somewhere. 18-20 inches is a good range for an engine in good internal condition and state of tune.
Posted on: 2015/10/4 14:35
Re: 1930 733 Vacuum pressure
Quite a regular
The attached link is one of the best I have seen about how to detect challenges in the engine as well to tune the
By following this guideline to tune the engines, my 1934 1104 is adjusted to 19in,and my two 1929`s are adjusted between 17 and 18in. On one of the 29`I had to add 4deg spark advance to get a higher vacuum, by the same time having the engine to run smooth. A low compression engine should have a lower vacuum. Since I came across this article I have always tuned the engines on my Packard's together with a vacuum gauge.
Posted on: 2015/10/9 5:48
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