Re: Inside fender colors
Just popping in
Our 38 Super Eight coupe had original body color under the front fender. Can't remember rears as they were rusty and didn't pay attention. We choose to paint both front and rear fenders with black Tex Coat from Transtar. Its a chip guard spray which gets really hard and looks good. Expensive ($25 per can) and have to be very careful when used as very hard to remove from painted surfaces. One plus can per rear fender, two for front ( we hope as yet to do). We purchased from auto paint supplier. I suppose the original fender underside was painted the body color because it was faster and cheaper. I felt that our body paint would have been too expensive and hard to work with under the fender and not be as protective. Inside the engine compartment we painted body color on most of the exposed panels but not all. Another decision. Good luck.
Posted on: 2018/5/15 10:34
Re: Inside fender colors
Home away from home
Some types of bed liner coating can be tinted with color.
Posted on: 2018/5/15 11:50