Re: 22nd series Ground
Forum Ambassador
Consensus was they didn't use a strap between engine and chassis on all models until the V8's. Some have mentioned seeing one near the transmission/rear crossmember on some earlier models. If nothing is there, it certainly won't hurt to add one if you like.
On yours, believe there is a single fairly small wire from the generator frame to the L front fender headlight junction block mounting screw where it bonds to sheetmetal. From there it branches to other fender and to firewall. That one is primarily to ensure a good ground reference between generator and regulator. The strap between battery and engine is the main current carrier with most of the chassis stuff feeding back to it thru linkages and other metal to metal connections. Both it and the battery cable to starter solenoid need to be adequate size for 6v. If they have been changed from factory originals, possibly a modern but usually too small a replacement was made.
Posted on: 2012/7/23 14:23