Re: Interior fan for Packard
Forum Ambassador
6v electrics are out there and there are a few old ones on ebay ... .m570.l1311.R2.TR4.TRC0.A0.H0.Xdash+fan.TRS0&_nkw=vintage+dash+fan&_sacat=0 Don't know if Packard ever offered one as an official accessory. . Think most were aftermarket then and Sears, Monkey Ward, Western Auto etc did big business in outfitting cars with things mfgs didn't want to bother with. Would wonder if you will find new 6v models being made today
New 12v fans are being made for trucks and delivery vehicles etc so if 6v fans are not found one possibility is buying one of the 12v fans plus a 6 to 12v inverter to run the fan. Just be sure to get an inverter rated for motor use if you go that way. One other benefit is the inverter will probably have enough capacity left over for maybe a radio or cell phone charger. Newport Engineering used to sell a 5amp unit for their wiper motors. Those no longer show in the accessories section but they do show a 6amp model in their new parts section. They are available other places too. If you don't find an electric model, some of these vacuum operated fans are definitely period correct and maybe of ... m570.l1311.R3.TR3.TRC1.A0.H0.Xtrico+fa.TRS0&_nkw=trico+vacuum+fan&_sacat=0
Posted on: 2015/7/26 22:08