Re: '48 288 Valve Lash
Home away from home
When I make a preliminary adjustment on the engine stand I use .007 intake and .011 exhaust.
After the engine is in the car I redo the adjustment with the the engine fully warm and running. Although it is not my favorite entertainment, it really is not that hard after one removes the inner fender panel and the heat shield on the fuel pump. At idle speeds there is hardly any oil splash to speak of. These later engines only require two wrenches to adjust which is much easier. The hot and running adjustment takes care of many variables (ex: hot spots, growth in dia of the valve head etc.) all at one time and gives a long lasting result.
Posted on: 2017/4/25 4:41
Re: '48 288 Valve Lash
Home away from home
Good Morning Dave and Ross...Our 1949 288 Deluxe, Miss Prudence, had her valve lash set warm, but not running at 0.007 and 0.010 which was recommended in the Packard manual and the old Motors manual that I have. This was done about four and one half years ago and she starts well, runs well, and does not make any noise...Ross and I have ours set pretty close to the same and so you should be happy with the result. Enjoy your day. Ernie
Posted on: 2017/4/25 9:59
Caretaker of the 1949-288 Deluxe Touring Sedan
'Miss Prudence' and the 1931 Model A Ford Tudor 'Miss Princess' |
Re: '48 288 Valve Lash
Home away from home
Thanks for the information Ross.
If I might be allowed a 'follow-up' question; after setting the cold values, did the lifters need any significant adjustment when the engine was warm, and do you adjust to the original values (8 & 10) or SC 22-12 values ( 6 & 8)? dp
Posted on: 2017/4/25 10:01
Re: '48 288 Valve Lash
Home away from home
Oddly enough, some need more adjustment than others, which is why I am a fan of doing it hot and running. I do use 7 and 10 as recommended for the later engines. I usually go for a nice snug pull on the feeler gage for the intakes, and pretty loose on the exhausts.
Posted on: 2017/4/25 11:54