Re: 1951 200 brakes?
Forum Ambassador
If you want to assume that the person before you who installed the current shoes did a proper major adjustment, then you shouldn't have to when reusing the same shoes in the same position. Also assuming the new wheel cylinder is identical to the current one.
When we see the kind of bumbling treatment these cars often received in the past, that's not an assumption I'd make. We really shouldn't take shortcuts or make compromises when it comes to brakes.
Posted on: 2019/6/30 15:52
Re: 1951 200 brakes?
Home away from home
With only 19089 miles I'm assuming it still has its original shoes. We'll see what things look like when it is a part. Thanks Owen.
Posted on: 2019/6/30 17:49
Re: 1951 200 brakes?
Forum Ambassador
Yeah, good chance it is as it left the factory.
Posted on: 2019/6/30 18:52