Power Antenna Repair
Just can't stay away
The power antenna in my '54 Convertible stopped working. Is there anyone who repairs them?
Posted on: 2017/5/21 14:49
Re: Power Antenna Repair
Forum Ambassador
You might call Tucson Packardtucsonpackard.com They have rebuilt them in the past and may still do so.
Do you hear the motor run but antenna does not move or does it move but then stop after a few inches or does nothing at all happen when you pull or push the knob?
Posted on: 2017/5/21 14:58
Re: Power Antenna Repair
Just can't stay away
It was working. Now I get nothing when I push or pull the knob. The switch is good and I jumpered the ground to no avail.
Posted on: 2017/5/22 11:27
Re: Power Antenna Repair
Just can't stay away
The switch is getting power and transmitting power so says the voltmeter.
Posted on: 2017/5/22 13:01
Re: Power Antenna Repair
Forum Ambassador
If you have voltage then probably the circuit breaker -- or maybe the brushes have worn too small to make contact. IIRC, the brushes have bronze springs behind them which could have overheated and lost strength. There is a slim chance the ground has been lost if the screws holding the motor assy together have loosened.
The breaker is located on the brush support plate but does require the motor to be removed and taken apart to access. CB is in the ground side and that connection is made by brass plates on either side of the support being compressed between cast areas on the halves of the motor. Too much current causes the bimetal strip to heat and bend opening the contact and disconnecting the brush and motor from ground. If undamaged, it should reset when the motor has cooled.
Posted on: 2017/5/22 13:47