Re: 1950 convertible top
Home away from home
Wouldn't you know I just found it
Posted on: 2018/8/29 18:51
1948 Custom Eight
1950 Super Eight Convertible |
Re: 1950 convertible top
Home away from home
When you are checking and filling the hydraulic system for the power top, steps almost universally missed are as follows: ? Be absolutely certain to FIRST clean the ram rods for the top. They should be smooth and shiny before even attempting to lower the top. If rust is beginning to form on the shiny rods, you can use good cleaners (frankly I have had good success simply using Brillo) and then lightly wipe the rods down with a coating of clean transmission fluid (regardless of brake fluid being inside of the ram itself). ? When adding fluid, never merely top off the fluid and think that's all that is needed. Cycle the top first. Loosen the portal and check fluid level. If more fluid is needed, add. Then repeat the process. ? It may be necessary to "burp" the top hydraulic system to get any trapped excess air out completely. ? You will also want to be certain there are no hairline leaks in the hydraulic lines. These may not be obvious at all until under pressure or under suction. Even then, hairline cracks may not be obviousl ? Finally you want to check to see that the fluid has not degraded or begun to crystalize or harden in any way. This does happen and running the system repeatedly with degraded fluid will reveal slow or no operation... or uneven operation... and ultimately result in having to replace components... like the rams. Fluid needs to be fresh... and clean.
Posted on: 2018/8/29 22:05