Re: upholstery question
Forum Ambassador
I don't think there are any Packard ready made kits that would closely match the original but possibly SMS would do a set since they do offer some custom services such as making door panels and headliners. They would at least be the best bet for finding a proper fabric if you have to go local.
At one time Kanter did have some retail kits made out of modern materials and sewn to fit but I believe another poster tried to order a kit last year and was told they no longer carried them. Could be wrong on that so if James does not see this post and comment you could call them and verify. If they are no longer doing them then I believe your local guy is the only other option. If you just want seat covers then possibly something at a parts or online store could be found to fit although finding something for the large bench seats do present a challenge in a world of buckets or modern bench seats that are half the size.
Posted on: 2020/6/13 14:17
Re: upholstery question
Home away from home
Hi Jim...There was a fellow in Mesa who did great work...If he is still in business...Tim 480-593-7931. He could do the work properly as I have seen several cars that he has finished. Material would have to come from you or a Packard vendor...Ernie over in Scottsdale.
Posted on: 2020/6/13 20:58
Caretaker of the 1949-288 Deluxe Touring Sedan
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