Re: Pullman Bodies
Forum Ambassador
David M and Bernie J: Here's a little more info, again paraphrased from the C. A. Leslie article, but again it's pretty hard to summarize 10 pages of info into a couple of paragraphs.
A list quoted by Art James in the 1983 PAC News Bulletin notes 9921 Pullman bodies actually made which is more than the 8800 Model 116s. The 116 proved particularly hard to sell, even held in distain in it's own era, and the contracts with Pullman were apparently renegotiated several times with likely cancellation of some orders and perhaps modification of others (there are some quotes from Board meeting minutes on this). Also, some 116 bodies were apparently made by Anderson Electric (perhaps subcontracted from Pullman?), later absorbed into Murray. Since we 3 seem to be the most interested in this topic, if you don't already have them why not PM me with your snail mail addresses and I'll photocopy and mail the two articles?
Posted on: 2013/1/22 9:55
Re: Pullman Bodies
Home away from home
I haven't posted on this topic, as I have nothing to contribute, but I am greatly enjoying the conversation. I vote for continuing the public discussion.
Cheers, Tom p.s. Of course, I am a certified nerd.
Posted on: 2013/1/22 13:00
Re: Pullman Bodies
Quite a regular
Thank you O-D I have sent you a P.M.
Posted on: 2013/1/22 17:56