Re: T/L 7 second delay
Forum Ambassador
Congratulations on getting the leveler working. If you have the Packard original, there is no good adjustment for the time delay.
The first photo shows the bimetal strips right in the middle of the picture -- one showing the heater which controls the strip for one direction in brown and the other direction below it in green. The second photo shows the other end of the strips and the contacts energizing the relays the strip makes connection with. When the heater is energized, it bends either the top bimetal element to one side or the bottom to the other & nominally takes about 7 seconds to span the distance. The length of time it takes the bimetal to bend and connect might conceivably be changed by bending the contacts farther away but would take experimentation and may not even be successful. If the time is really short I would expect something else might be failing -- possibly the heater is partially shorted and getting hotter than normal or maybe something holding the strips has come loose so they are out of position. If that is the case the switch may fail anyway. If you have the repro switch, depending on how they did the electronics for the timing circuit, there may be an adjustment. You would have to talk to the people that made it to know.
Posted on: 2013/1/17 19:10
Re: T/L 7 second delay
Forum Ambassador
my limit switch contacts got bent for an unknown it could be possible they are out of wack like Howard says.
Posted on: 2013/1/18 9:47
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |