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Engine timing
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Thanks to those of you that have tried to help me with starting my 38 for the first time. I have done everything that has been suggested with no luck. Now I' m thinking maybe I should experiment with the timing. I cannot seem to make any sense from the shop manual on how to set the timing. This is my first time attempting to set the timing in a car older than a 1965 year model. Help please !!

Posted on: 2014/10/18 15:41
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Re: Engine timing
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Just to be sure the distributor is not 180 deg. off, go back to fundementals. Remove at least #1 spark plug; turn the engine over by hand in it's normal direction of rotation until you feel compression coming out of #1 plug hole and stop on the timing mark or about 4-6 degrees BTDC. If you overshoot, go around TWO full revolutions. Now remove the distributor cap and see if the rotor tip is under #1 plug wire. If not, it will be 180 degrees out - just remove the distributor and rotate the shaft a half turn and reinstall.

Now, without turning the engine, look at the points - they should be just on the verge of opening, or perhaps have just barely opened. If so, the timing is close enough for the engine to start. If not, use a test light, hold the rotor steady to avoid backlash, and rotate the distributor until the points just open - using a test bulb across the points is helpful. Now you should be within a couple of degrees of perfect timing. Once it's running, set it exactly with a timing light.

Posted on: 2014/10/18 16:04
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Re: Engine timing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information
Thank you for your easy to follow instructions. Too bad you didn't write the service manual for Packard, your direction are concise and simplified , I appreciate you taking time to help me.

Posted on: 2014/10/18 22:28
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Re: Engine timing
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Too bad you didn't write the service manual for Packard

Thanks for the nice words, but let's remember the audience that the shop manual was written for - Packard owners didn't tinker with their own cars - the manual was primarily for the shop mechanics who understood the fundamentals and a whole lot more.

Posted on: 2014/10/18 22:55
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