Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
It would be interesting to hear from others experiences on this topic. Ewrecks seems to have had similar issues others have encountered. I can post my specific experience and outcome for ref. Dude, I have to disagree with your statements.
Encountering these atttitudes as a younger man, I would have paid for the info and made it available to all free upon request to punish the offenders but now age and experience has taught me that this would only cause a "change" or update in the judging criteria as those who feel they have some "important info" to protect scramble to maintain their perceived importance. Like I said- Its all about the money, not about preserving "true" correctness. These same preservationists are also the ones addind all available options to their cars even though the vehicle never originally was equipped for judging purposes. Dual 4 barrels and a/c etc. Sham These attitudes along with the Hoarding and charging for info are what drive enthusiasts away from the preservation side of the hobby.
Posted on: 2015/1/26 8:42
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
I would like to mention 1 more thing. The attitude is very clear in the post above.
The crudeness and irreverence is sometimes a reaction to the pampas egotistical nature of those who are " better informed". I also will say that this site and many of its members have been a great help and very informative . Thanks to all who do it without attitude or prejudice.
Posted on: 2015/1/26 8:57
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
I really have no idea what you are talking about. You are complaining that folks are not sharing the research and info you are seeking when in fact these photos have been published in articles a generation ago. Leeedy said that you can go to the Packard Clubs and buy back issues or find these back issues on ebay. Are you expecting them to spend countless hours scanning them and posting them on this site when these articles and photos are legally copyrighted? I applaud the time and sweat these folks took to find and publish this info and share with all. I am a simple minded old country boy perhaps but I just don't understand why you are complaining about this. Do you object to finding and buying back issues of magazines? what exactly do you want Leeedy or other people to do for you? I am confused but also I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box either
Posted on: 2015/1/26 12:43
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
The Motor Trend article on the Howard Hughes/Jean Peters Caribbean was from the 1973 to 1975 era, IIRC. Issues of that magazine pop up on eBay and at swap meets regularly.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 11:12
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
Some of Leeedy's original photography of the Jean Peters Caribbean can be seen
Posted on: 2015/1/27 11:18
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
Sorry for the run 'n gun posts here, trying to post during lunchtime while juggling a few other things...
To find the feature in The Packard Cormorant magazine on the Howard Hughes/Jean Peters Caribbean, you can search the index of The Cormorant/The Packard Comorant over It's in Issue 18 (I think that's Spring 1980), Page 22. Again, this article was written by Leeedy for The Packard Club. You might be able to buy old issues from the Club, but if not, if you are a Packard Club member, you probably have other members close to you who have these past issues and will let you borrow them. It's reasons like these -- mutual interest, mutual support, and support of original research -- that make it pay to belong to old car clubs, and The Packard Club in particular.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 11:32
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
thank you for sharing this great info!!!
Posted on: 2015/1/27 14:17
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
Leedy had an informative article in the current edition of The Cormorant News Bullitin. It might be old news to some, but for me it was interesting.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 14:38
Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean
Home away from home
Which article was his?
Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:22
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