Re: Lifter and Valve! Lash
Forum Ambassador
For those 1948 Packards with solid lifters Packard's specifications call for adjusting the lifters with the engine hot; 0.007" for intake and 0.010" for exhaust. With a fresh rebuild you'll want to give them an approximate adjustment and then do the final adjustment hot after the engine is installed and running. For a cold adjustment, adding about 0.003" to the hot clearances should be adequate.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 19:20
Re: Lifter and Valve! Lash
Home away from home
Owen thanks for the quick reply.
So if I understand this correctly, we should adjust the valve/solid lifter adjustment (cold/engine not yet started) to .010 for the intake valve and .013 for the exhaust valve??? It sure seems like it would be difficult to adjust the valves with the engine hot because the valve/lifter covers are below the intake and exhaust manifolds. Can this adjustment be done from under the car or does one need to lean over the passenger side fender to get to it?
Posted on: 2015/7/23 19:37
Dedicated to keeping the man who owns one on the road!!! |
Re: Lifter and Valve! Lash
Home away from home
Per the service manual- jack up and remove the right front tire, remove the inner fender, valve cover, and adjust.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 21:09
1937 120 1092 - Original survivor for driving and continued preservation. Project blog / Registry
1937 115 1082 - Total basket case, partial restoration, sold Hershey 2015 Project blog / Registry |
Re: Lifter and Valve! Lash
Home away from home
Thanks so much
Posted on: 2015/7/23 21:12
Dedicated to keeping the man who owns one on the road!!! |
Re: Lifter and Valve! Lash
Home away from home
Yes, as Ken says - adjust the valves from below. Very difficult to adjust the valves with the engine running as per the manual. I would warm up the engine, adjust one cylinder, run it again to restore temperature and adjust the next cylinder, repeat until done. This will give you the warm engine for the proper settings and it will be much easier without the engine running. The middle cylinders are difficult to adjust even with a non-running engine. I prefer a go-no go gauge for setting the valves.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 21:18
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