Re: Carpet kits for 2126
Forum Ambassador
It would certainly be very exciting news is Bill Hirsch actually has replicated MossTread carpet, are you sure of that? Last time I checked (recently) he had several Wilton products that somewhat resembled the MossTred in surface texture but without the vulcanized rubber backing. I'll call Bill shortly to check on this!
I know of no kits in MossTred or even in any of the Wiltons for your car. Just buy the material in bulk and have a good upholstery shop cut, back and bind. PS - I just spoke with Bill. He offers a Wilton carpet product (Wilton III) which is quite close in appearance and feel to the original MossTred which was a Sidney Blumenthal product. To approximate MossTred it needs to be backed with the rubber pad and the edges then rolled and stitched. Bill said he used that material, backed with rubber and edges rolled and stitched, in several of his own cars that originally had MossTred and it was a close match and he never received any point deductions for it in CCCA judging. He doesn't not offer kits. Bill's product, properly done, is no doubt as close as you can come to the original MossTred but is NOT MossTred; it's available in many colors.
Posted on: 2015/11/24 9:13