Asbestos in Packards
Home away from home
I have been doing a considerable amount of work under the dash of my '39 Six - front bench seat removed, laying on my back, facing up into the under-dash. At the top I can see a burlap-like stuffing or padding, if you will; I don't know if it is there for sound absorption or insulating purposes, or what, but as I move wires around and disturb it in any way, a lot of dust and fiber lets go and kind of 'rains' down on me. I didn't think much of it at first, but then the thought occurred to me, in 1939, could there be asbestos in it?? Does anybody know if Packard used any asbestos-based material in the stuffing, padding or matting components of their cars? Would sure be nice to know, one way or the other. If they didn't, fine, and if they did, what do folks generally do about it?? Removing it from under the dash would be a bear of a job, and yet I wouldn't be comfortable leaving it there either. Any definitive info on this much appreciated.
Posted on: 2017/5/22 19:17
'If you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right!' Henry Ford.
1939 Packard Six, Model 1700 |
Re: Asbestos in Packards
Home away from home
I've only seen asbestos used as exhaust pipe covering in senior cars up to 1939 and in V12 muffler/exh system heat deflectors
Posted on: 2017/5/22 22:20
Re: Asbestos in Packards
Just can't stay away
I had the same stuff under the dash of my "39, it made a huge mess. I ended up using my shop vac and then kept pulling chunks out with the Vac generally keeping the dust out. As I reassembled the car I used Dyna Mat for insulation, much cleaner and very effective.
Posted on: 2017/5/23 17:17
Re: Asbestos in Packards
Home away from home
Thank you Fred & John. If nothing else, I am appeased that I have not been inhaling asbestos particles. I will probably wear a cup filter mask in the future anyway just to be safe, but I am glad I don't have an asbestos remediation task on my hands!! Appreciate your input.
Posted on: 2017/5/23 20:19
'If you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right!' Henry Ford.
1939 Packard Six, Model 1700 |