Re: rubber
Forum Ambassador
All the way across -- or at least I found staple holes on mine which made me install it all the way. Parts said it was two pieces in 55 and on 56 seniors. One piece on 56 juniors.
As I recall it was the fabric impregnated or reinforced rubber about 1 1/2 inches wide and about 1/16 or so thick. Finding reinforced material in thin narrow strips is not that easy but ordinary rubber strips can be found at Steele or McMaster. Steele has cushioning or edging materials that several have used -- a slight V shape on some and a rounded edge on others. Check their universal dense extruded parts for illustrations and dimensions. McMaster has a plain outdoor rated rectangular rubber strips 2" x 36". It is slightly wider but less expensive than the Steele The rubber is not seen from above so just about anything you find would work.
Posted on: 2017/6/9 21:28
Re: rubber
Home away from home
Thanks for that info HH56
I'll look into it. Right now it's working on the hydroboost and the disc brake setup... Best
Posted on: 2017/6/10 10:00