Re: Distributor Lubrication Question
Forum Ambassador
Depends on the year and if Delco or Autolite as to location. Most of the postwar cars thru 54 have a grease cup instead of an oiler. That cup is filled with ordinary chassis grease and given 1/2 turn periodically to push a bit more grease into the bushing. When the grease is used up the cup top is unscrewed and refilled.
In the 55-56 cars there is an actual cap covered oil hole on the sides for the bushing. In some distributors there is a felt wick in the center of the cam under the rotor that also needs a drop or two. Pull the rotor off and add a couple of drops. Just don't get carried away with any oil on the wick so that it runs out inside the dist and gets thrown onto the points.
Posted on: 2017/7/3 13:26
Re: Distributor Lubrication Question
Forum Ambassador
Also, most distributors that have vacuum advance also require occasional lubrication where the fixed and moveable breaker plates pivot - look for a small hole marked "oil" on the breaker plate on later Delco units and a repackable ball bearing on some Autolites.
Also an occasional drop of light oil on the pivots of the centrifugal advance weights. There is a good article on distributor maintenance on The Packard Club forum.
Posted on: 2017/7/3 13:50
Re: Distributor Lubrication Question
Not too shy to talk
It's an 1955 fourhundred, 351cui. I'm not sure it's delco or autolite. I will have a look. Thank's for the Information.
Posted on: 2017/7/3 14:56
Re: Distributor Lubrication Question
Home away from home
Thanks for bringing this topic up. I had no idea the distributor had a lubrication port.
I checked out mine on 2392 and the grease is dark colored and appeared hardened. Should I clean this out and repack with fresh grease? Would it be easier to mark and pull the distributor to get to the lube point? Thanks for the help.
Posted on: 2017/7/3 20:47
Re: Distributor Lubrication Question
Forum Ambassador
Were it mine, I'd clean out the old grease. Use cup grease if you can find it, otherwise chassis grease will do the job just fine. Cup grease doesn't lubricate better, rather by virtue of its physical properties it just feeds more reliably as it is less prone to leaking out thru the cup screw threads as you screw the cup down.
Posted on: 2017/7/3 20:59