Re: sheet metal or patch panels for rear quarter 55 clipper
Forum Ambassador
The only place I know of that makes any kind of repair panels for Packards is C2C If they don't have something I think you will be on your own to make it or find something in better shape off a parts car. Unlike Chevy or Fords, there is not much demand or old original tooling available for Packards. They don't offer much specifically for 55 but in a lot of cases since the Clipper bodies were based on 53-4 some of those items will work.
Even though they have panels that will work and cover a hole, in most cases their panels are not direct drop ins. They need to be cut and massaged and even after that are sometimes not an exact replacement. A good example is floor and trunk pans with shallower bolt locations than the factory pan. I think that may be due to the stamping or presses they use may not be able to do as deep a draw as factory. IIRC, I believe Ross was the one that mentioned another is a rocker panel for some models that does not have as deep a curve as factory and needs to be worked a bit.
Posted on: 2017/7/17 12:42