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Re: '41 110 Radio Repair
Forum Ambassador
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The capacitor value is not given in most of the radio install instructions but for 1954 they must have goofed because they did give a value of .5mfd.

There are any number of places where one could be placed to be effective. The back of the ign switch would be the best place to catch a lot of the garbage but I suspect that may be hard to get to on your car. You could try some of the other places shown for a 55 radio. On the BAT terminal at the regulator would be almost the same as the back of ign switch and another might work where the radio power wire is connected. It may take two or three to cover the different circuits powering things that make noise. I also found some instructions for a 39 which may be a bit closer to your needs.

Napa has any number of suppression capacitors and doing a search for radio capacitor brings up 3 pages worth in various configurations. For our cars I think the first two -- RR186 or EP359 -- configuration would fit best. No idea what values those are as the website doesn't list specs. Perhaps they would have specs in the store.

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Posted on: 2017/12/14 22:23
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Re: '41 110 Radio Repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

Ragtime Kid
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OK, I'll give that a shot and report back!

Posted on: 2017/12/16 10:17
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Re: '41 110 Radio Repair
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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What did you dp with the external antenna. I am trying to buy one

Posted on: 2017/12/20 23:53
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Re: '41 110 Radio Repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

Ragtime Kid
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I bought this antenna on eBay:

rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A ... ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F112398175594

But it didn't work for me. Hardly picks up anything at all. So, still looking for a way to get a signal to the newly rebuilt radio without having to put an unsightly large external antenna on.

Posted on: 2017/12/21 10:05
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Re: '41 110 Radio Repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

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tabletennissport wrote:
What did you dp with the external antenna. I am trying to buy one

If you need a legit, looks like a genuine,1941, OEM (not incorrect aftermarket), cowl-mounted antenna you need to do what I did when I restored my 1941. Just take these steps:

1. Buy the plastic base designed by Yesterday's Radio and now made by LaVine Restorationslavinerestorations.com/

2. Buy the metal base (spearhead shaped) from American Arrow Corp.americanarrowcorp.com/

3. Buy a new aftermarket telescoping antenna such as this onejcwhitney.com/retrosound-collapsible-antennas/p3092035.jcwx

4. Remove the base from the new antenna

5. Thread the antenna wire into the Packard metal base and plastic base

6. Mount onto your car and make sure you have a good ground

Hope this is helpful.

Posted on: 2017/12/21 10:25

1941 Model 160 Convertible Sedan
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