Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
... one of those world class Olympic games posters ... Attach file: (8.24 KB)
Posted on: 2011/7/13 17:00
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
The shafts, keystock, for the rear door window cranks are missing. Here are some photos of the rear window regulators.
Posted on: 2011/7/19 0:53
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
SOLUTION IN SIGHT: Resurrecting this thread because we now have a picture of the mysterious convertible front window regulator connecting piece, and it is more peculiar than imagined.
Jim (39 Super8) Dave (flackmaster) visited 40 Packard Mecca (Jim Hollingsworth's) and came back with pictures of the connecting piece and rear window crank shaft. In a week or so when Jim H's mechanic returns, the pieces I need for the front and back windows can be made. Thanks Jim and Dave and Jim the Great. Joe
Posted on: 2011/10/4 19:56
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
With the driver's door welded up and at the paint shop, I returned to the puzzle of the front door regulator connecting piece. Unfortunately the blueprints for these are non-existent. Inspired by Gerd and Howard, and using the photos provided by Jim and David, I set to create some drawings that might be used by John or his machine shop to make the pieces I need to reassemble the regulators for long-term use.
In 2011 I used a couple of binder screws and a nylon disc to hold it together. I figured I'd leave the front windows up until I had of solution. Shortly thereafter my daughter and I drove to the airport to pick up a friend. We had to stop in town on the way back and while we were waiting on this warm summer day, her friend to my horror rolled down her window. I couldn't believe it rolled back up, and I've rolling it down every time I put the top down ever since, 7 years. However, since we are working on the doors, this is the time to fix them for good. If you need to print them out, they should be to scale if you mark "do not scale" when you print on letter size paper.
Posted on: 2018/3/5 2:00
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
The rear windows needed shafts with a gear on the end. I always blamed the kids for rolling the windows up too hard at the top, but no matter. The first 10 years I was a kid, too, so not pointing fingers. In fact as long as I could remember, I would roll the rear window up to the point where it slipped, then grab both ends and pull it up the rest of the way. We replaced the big gear in 2011.
If the teeth on the big gear of your regulator are shot, you also have to worry about the teeth on the end of the crank shaft, opposite to where you connect your handle. No one came up with any regulators for a convertible sedan, but Regulator Roy, sent a pair of NOS 1940 sedan rear window regulators (he has many more) which had the parts I needed to repair mine. As you can see, nothing is that simple on a Packard, front or rear. Attach file: (31.60 KB) (13.90 KB) (16.99 KB) (49.23 KB) (70.11 KB) (55.25 KB) (29.85 KB) (26.55 KB) (24.74 KB)
Posted on: 2018/3/5 2:12
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
Joe, with pleasure I follow this consistent further development. Seven years later I can offer a much better photo of the Soviet (over-)simplification.
Attach file: (24.11 KB)
Posted on: 2018/3/8 16:59
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
As mentioned, my wibbly-wobbly version worked for 7 years, but I just contacted the Studebaker Museum and they may have the original drawings. They have them for the rear regulators, but that problem is solved now.
This design of these examples is brilliant, but I'd have to modify the arms significantly. So between my Guscha-inspired drawings and the original blueprints, this issue may be a closed case. Otherwise this is the way to go. So straightforward. Thanks for sending. Some Russian who had the original blueprints in the '40s looked at them and thought we were nuts, I'm sure.
Posted on: 2018/3/8 17:45
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
I respectfully disagree. Don't forget that your namesake uncle Joe had just to copy and improve, which is much more easy. If not, his engineers would have to invent, draw and construct.
And in this case we should better call it disimprovement when metal meets metal for endless rattling noise. Attach file: (51.32 KB)
Posted on: 2018/3/9 1:57
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: 1940 front door window mechanism
Home away from home
Those remind me of these ... ab5c9042:g:wfMAAOSwKJFaoBEv&vxp=mtr Attach file: (26.57 KB)
Posted on: 2018/3/9 8:52