Re: 52 mascot wings
Not too shy to talk
I don't know what has been rechromed or what is original but I know about that era chrome. We have a 51 Plymouth and they were very stingy with the plating on it. Even our 52 Jag chrome is sketchy, just wasn't a good time for chrome. Picture attached of it reinstalled. Thanks
Posted on: 2021/7/1 16:45
Re: 52 mascot wings
Forum Ambassador
If you are curious about which pieces started out and might still be of lower quality on your car, most are listed in this
As some have found when checking their car, over the years pieces might have been replaced with items made after the restriction was lifted and other posters have run into questionable pieces that might not have been included on the original list.
Posted on: 2021/7/1 17:05
Re: 52 mascot wings
Home away from home
One time I had my 1952 Henney-Packard on Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay for a NorCap Packard Club meet and it was windy as it often is in The Bay. In a very short time all the pot-metal pieces had turned grey from the salt air and thin two-step chrome so all had to be replated. Even the rear side stone guards, which were cast brass, lost their plating in that brief time.
Posted on: 2021/7/1 17:21