Re: Where does one get interior light bulbs?
Forum Ambassador
If you know the numbers Napa carries a fair amount of 6v bulbs as well as some of the older type fuses. Some may need to be ordered from a warehouse so additional freight charges may apply and there might be the odd one or two where they are sold by the box of 10 or 12 rather than as an individual bulb or fuse.
Some ebay vendors offer "kits" containing an assortment of the most common bulbs. also sells individual bulbs as well as many of the older wiring products. The times I have ordered from them there has been a minimum charge so you may need to order something else with the bulbs to make the minimum. Restoration Supply is a vendor for a lot of items specific to the very early models and they also carry several of the older
Posted on: 2021/9/24 9:36
Re: Where does one get interior light bulbs?
Home away from home
I went with LED bulbs for some of the bulbs on my car. Made purchases from these places Headlight bulbs. These bulbs made a big improvement in lighting output. Accessory/dash, Fender Mounted lights and Tail Light bulbs.
Posted on: 2021/9/24 9:49
Re: Where does one get interior light bulbs?
Just popping in
Hey! It's been a while, and I'm curious if you changed the bulbs on the new ones you ordered. If so, do they work? Could you recommend them, or would you prefer anything else? I'm intrigued to hear your thoughts because I have the same problem and don't know what to do about it. A light bulb also cracked at home, but I found a solution by purchasing, but it's a little more difficult in the car. So, please let me know! Thank you so much in advance!
Posted on: 2022/4/3 17:07
Re: Where does one get interior light bulbs?
Home away from home
Yes, I replaced all my interior bulbs with these last year off Amazon - they were cheaper then! They work fantastic and you can actually see the gauges at night quite well now and the dome light is amazing! Good luck! ... _b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Posted on: 2022/4/4 12:40