Re: Troubleshoot Loud Ticking 2498 288 Ultramatic
Home away from home
It's a rebuilt dual action pump. No tick/click using stethoscope.
It's an Ultramatic. The oil fill tube has a mounting bracket welded on that keeps it in position. I had the oil pump out and apart half a dozen times. I polished what I could and learned how critical the gasket thickness is. I could take my thumb and index finger and spin the pump with no binding or noise. 45 lbs at idle. I had the distributor out, apart and polished. Worked centrifugal spring/plate until it moved smoothly. Starts advance about 600 and maxed at a little over 10 degrees. While I do have some valve noises at idle, I do think 5E was but is not now as noisy as before I performed warm, static adjustment. I will record another video/audio of idle and post. I think I do have an exhaust leak. It chirps loudly accelerating on the road. I bought a smoke machine for this and will use it next to test for exhaust leaks.
Posted on: 1/3 21:39
Re: Troubleshoot Loud Ticking 2498 288 Ultramatic
Home away from home
Is the weld on the oil fill tube factory? Is it the correct part for the engine?
Posted on: 1/3 22:12
Re: Troubleshoot Loud Ticking 2498 288 Ultramatic
Home away from home
Good question, I would be more inclined to think the filler tube became loose as some point and someone welded a tab on it. (When I noticed mine could move I cleaned it up and put some Loctite on it. Parts book doesn't show a mounting tab, but who knows.
Posted on: Yesterday 12:56