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Packard history video project
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Was thinking about a project that I seem to remember being talked about in the 90s or early 2000's where some group or individual was trying to organize interviews with some of the last remaining Packard employees before it was too late. Was curious if that project ever took off and if so, what happened to the interviews. Were they ever made available on CD or DVD etc or were they done and only reside in some library or private collection? If anyone knows the status of that project would be most interested in hearing the results.

Motor City region put out the Allison DVD with help from his family which I don't think was part of the project and there was another talk on TL by one of the factory development engineers that he gave at a PAC meet. Don't remember if that one was on YouTube when it was linked in a post on the forum or was private but made available for a limited time. Don't recall ever seeing a mention of anything from or by anyone else.

Posted on: 2/10 11:59
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Re: Packard history video project
Forum Ambassador
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That engineer was my late friend Walter McCoskey, who worked with Bill Allison as an employee of the advanced engineering group at Packard. He is visible in the Bill Allison home movies, and is mentioned by Bill in the voice over. Walter sat at the drafting board next to John DeLorean and told me about JZD's false claim to have been "the last director of advanced engineering at the Packard Motor Car Company".
I knew a fair number of former Packard Employees, and unfortunately they are all gone now.

Posted on: 2/13 11:52
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Re: Packard history video project
Home away from home
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I remember that fellow, Robert English, and can see him in my mind's eye He was in PAC's Northern California Region, and I know I took a photo of him, and other NorCal members back in the 1980s or '90s at a PAC Board of Trustees meeting in San Fransisco. He would advertise in PAC's Cormorant News Bulletin about the project. He is no longer a PAC member. I might have to check some older CNBs for a contact address.

Posted on: 2/13 21:31
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Re: Packard history video project
Home away from home
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Packard Don
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I remember Robert well and even have his LP! Yes, he was a musician. My former 1953 Patrician had an engine that I got from him and he had a 1954 Clipper Sporster with an engine that he got from me (we traded straight across) and for some years I owned the 1960 Superior-Pontiac Landau hearse that I bought from him. At that time, I was on PAC's and NorCal's boards.

Robert English and the rest of the NorCal gang at San Francisco’s Cliff House
Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2/13 21:42
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Re: Packard history video project
Home away from home
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That's him! I believe this photo was taken in 1983, when Terry Martin started his cross-country drive from SF to NYC in "Old Pacific II."

Posted on: 2/14 14:48
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Re: Packard history video project
Home away from home
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Packard Don
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Yes, that's exactly right and I have many other photos of the event as I was there in my 1952 Henney-Packard. I can name most of the people in the photo if anyone is interested but the blond fellow near the right edge was Alan Adams, PAC president and NorCal director. At the time I was the editor of NorCal's newsletter, The Pious Pelican, and still have all back issues so I can look up the exact date but haven't done so.

Posted on: 2/14 16:37
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Re: Packard history video project
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Thanks all for confirming there was such a project and remembering the name of the individual behind it. At least that reassures me there is some part of my feeble brain actually functioning in old age and not just imagining things.

Since no one has mentioned knowing if any interviews were done or enough completed content exists to have ever been released, I guess the conclusion must be there was not enough interest or maybe enough people still around to push the project much farther than the planning stage.

Posted on: 2/15 10:17
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Re: Packard history video project
Home away from home
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Packard Don
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Actually I didn't know anything about Robert's involvement in a project like that. I was only confirming that he was part of the club.

Posted on: 2/15 13:59
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