Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Forum Ambassador
I had the rear shoes adjusted too tight and going down a steep hill and constantly using the brake gave me severe brake fade. I was standing on the brakes but had a tough time stopping. The lining made today just doesn't perform as well. The dummy who had adjusted the brakes went over them again and I haven't experienced the problem again.
Posted on: 2009/12/3 9:54
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Forum Ambassador
If you have the Easamatic, it sounds like the vacuum portion failed-- either stuck check valve & no vacuum or something inside the power cylinder. Anything failing in the hydraulics generally results in no pedal & all the way to the floor. If not power brakes, then also open to suggestions.
Posted on: 2009/12/3 9:56
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Home away from home
I do have the Easamatic brake system. My shoes are all in good order with plenty of pad left. I'm thinking that the system ran out of vacuum?
Posted on: 2009/12/3 10:00
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Forum Ambassador
I don't know how steep the hill was or how much braking you applied before you had the problem, but most drivers today are completely ignorant of the old adage, "if you need a reduced gear to go up a hill, you should use the same gear to go down". What you experienced was either of the two things already mentioned, loss of vacuum boost, or just plain old simple brake fade which could be caused by the shoes being adjusted too tight. Also different types of lining materials have different resistances to fade.
Posted on: 2009/12/3 10:06
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Home away from home
Even though I have auto transmission, I gear down anyway. I think doing this helped everything turn into a minor fender bender (I think I was travelling all of 3 or 4 mph), still, scary! I guess I'll be driving with my hand close to the emergency from now on....
Posted on: 2009/12/3 10:13
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Home away from home
Check brake shoe adjustment.
I'm not sure what 'brake pedal went stiff" means. Does that mean it would not move at all from the rest poistion or does that mean the pedal went down a little ways (as normal) and then became hard??????
Posted on: 2009/12/3 11:06
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Home away from home
It went down a little way and then was stiff as a board, no grab at all no matter how hard I pushed on it. I probably damn near bent the pedal!
Posted on: 2009/12/3 11:20
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Forum Ambassador
I'd have a look at the check valve. Seen a few where particles of rust had accumulated inside. All it takes is one flake in the right place to prevent the valve from sealing.
Posted on: 2009/12/3 11:26
Re: '53 Cavalier brake problem
Forum Ambassador
If not a vacuum failure, sounds just like plain and simple brake fade. If it gets bad enough the fluid will boil in the wheel cylinders and the pedal will drop to the floor, which many people mistake for a master cylinder failure. After the fluid cools the vapor phase recondenses and everything is normal again.
Brake fade when subjected to heavy braking and overheated is not uncommon with drum brakes, when I learned to drive, instruction on how to cope with it was part of driver education. Some things can exaggerate it; incorrect wheels which restrict air flow to the drums, excessive layers of paint on the drums inhibiting cooling, inferior linings (try metallics).
Posted on: 2009/12/3 11:28