Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Thanks a lot for the information; I will look for the 14 size tapping screws, preferably with slot, as you suggest. I understand I have asked for a lot of help already, but would it be possible to ask for a better pic of the coil holder or support? Is that one original in your car? Is that condensor there supposed to be to reduce radio interference? Thanks, Victor
Posted on: 2010/11/9 13:39
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Posted on: 2010/11/9 14:05
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Here are the best I can come up with without taking it off which I was going to do but arm is just not co-operating today. I can't see all of your bracket but it looks like it may be the correct one--coil is just slid in further. One thing I did notice is more philips head screws used on other things. Look at the rest of your car. If you see a lot of philips head, then this may in fact be the correct screw and that is what you need to find. That picture out of service manual with fuzzed center does sort of look like there is an indication it might be philips. That is one the radio noise suppression condensers.
Posted on: 2010/11/9 15:51
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Can't assure you that mine is correct as everything has been on and off the cowl a couple of times over the years, but it's a large pan-head, slotted.
Posted on: 2010/11/9 16:31
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
In my case, the heater box is held with a slotted pan head screw... but I have no idea if it is original or not, though it would seem it is.
HH56: thanks for the pics! I don't believe my support is original as it does not have the bent part for the condensor/supressor. I do have what I believe is a correct one, but it is not 'square' at the ends but slightly curved where the bolt goes and sort of triangular or inclined, that is, longer on the upper side and shorter on the lower one... or the opposite way. Without taking anything appart, could you just take a look at the ends of your support? Thanks!
Posted on: 2010/11/9 17:44
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Removed capacitor so you could see the bend. Mine also has slotted screws on heater but lots of others like ones holding the metal cable clips for wire loom on firewall and the relays are philips. My car had a do over about 15 yrs ago. I know the bracket is original but don't remember which screws were changed or just re-plated originals. The components and screws were dirty, some rusty so the screws and everything not obviously painted went down for zinc plating. I was not too fussy with details such as getting screws back in the same hole then.
Posted on: 2010/11/9 18:29
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
HH56: Thanks a lot! You have been incredibly helpful. I believe I have an identical base which I will use instead of the one currently on my car. I have been working on the fuel and vaccumm lines and should have them ready soon. I will post pics once finished.
Posted on: 2010/11/9 21:07
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
I cleaned my firewall, followed the pics as best as I could to manufacture new gas lines (one bad pic enclosed) installed new rubber vaccuum hoses, a used wiper motor that I had taken out of a parts car, and I am very happy with the results. I still need to look at wiring, as I may have some extra ones (pertronix kit), and then, later on, I have to do the painting of the inner fenders (back to scotish heather) but that will have to wait for later. That will probably wait till I do a good paint job on the car, which might still be a few years ahead. Thanks a lot for all the input.
Now, another question: On the vaccuum, my car had an electric wiper motor adapted. I removed it and installed a used one which I only cleaned and lubricated, followed the manual's accesory guide on installation of the windshiels squirters, and got the wipers working very fine, though with a sort of short action radius. I understand the small lever under the knob is to extend that range, but the thin rubber hoses comming out of the windshield wiper switch cross the firewall and in my case were both disconected. One apparently hooks to the windshield wiper motor front end (like in my second pic) and the other one... where does it hook too? Thanks!
Posted on: 2010/11/12 20:12
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
The hoses from the switch are for the washers.
Posted on: 2010/11/12 20:40