Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Forum Ambassador
You need go no further than the published general specifications for most (perhaps all?) years for comparative data. For 1934 for example, from the specifications in the Salesman's Data Book, the Eight (320) is 1020 lbs, the Super Eight (385) is 1116 lbs, and the Twelve (445) is 1320 lbs, all with clutch and transmission.
Posted on: 2010/12/23 12:41
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Home away from home
Fabulous, thanks!!!
Is there any commonality between the clutch/trans amongst the 3 engines? Do you have weight data for the 245 Six, 282 Eight and 356 Eight? Anything for the engines introduced post-war?
Posted on: 2010/12/23 13:00
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Forum Ambassador
Someone just asked for that postwar engine weight data within the last week and I looked it up and posted it. It might have been in the second of the two similar posts on the "wackiest" idea about putting a six in a 55. If I have to I'll look it up all again, but how about searching first?
Essentially throughout the 32-38 Senior production (early 32 Eight & Deluxe Eight excepted), they all shared essentially the same transmission. 1934 specs say they all also shared the same 7x12 clutch lining though there may have been differences in the Twelve pressure plate - don't know for certain. ------------------------------ OK, saved you the effort - from a recent post: Engine weights with clutch and transmission from the 1941 specifications. 110 (245): 673 lbs, 734 with overdrive 120 (282): 781 lbs, 839 with overdrive Super8 (356): 986 lbs, 1036 with overdrive PS - Here's some more data from the 1954 specifications, with clutch and transmission. 288: 860 lbs, 890 with OD, 995 with Ultramatic 327: 885 lbs, 920 with OD, 1020 with Ultramatic 359: 876 lbs, 911 with OD, 1011 with Ultramatic (Lighter weight of 359 over 327 due in part to aluminum cylinder head).
Posted on: 2010/12/23 13:43
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Home away from home
I been told that 33-38 transmissions will work on a 32, but not the other way around.
Am I correct or off base again
Posted on: 2010/12/23 13:47
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Home away from home
Thanks for all the info, very much appreciated! Makes me wonder what accounted for the difference in total vehicle weight for the Seniors. Literature says dual sides mounts added around 250 lbs. Maybe the rear diff and frame were beefed up for the Twelve? Freewheeling? If not those, must have been interior seats and fittings.
Posted on: 2010/12/23 13:53
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Forum Ambassador
Don't know. The only parts book of that era I have is 33-36 and it does show that the 33 Std & Super had a different transmission assembly # than the 34 thru 36. Why not just check the parts books - that will at least tell you if the entire transmission assembly has the same or different part number?
Posted on: 2010/12/23 13:56
Re: Weight difference between 320, 385 and 473 engines
Home away from home
Great suggestion, will rummage around online as I don't have a parts book.
Posted on: 2010/12/23 16:29