Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Forum Ambassador
Thanks Kev. Would you also replace the one in the wiring diagram section with the revised one please
Posted on: 2011/5/24 20:51
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Will Do!
Posted on: 2011/5/24 20:52
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Forum Ambassador
What we need to do is get Mr. PB to rework his excellent description as needed so it accommodates both systems and then add it to the schematic.
Posted on: 2011/5/24 20:56
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Forum Ambassador
I could do that Howard. Would this be added into the PDF to make it a more complete document?
Posted on: 2011/5/25 20:29
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Forum Ambassador
Kev might have better suggestions but I was thinking if it were available, it could be added as a page referring to the schematics. If it would be helpful, some a; b; c; d; etc points could be added on the schematics to refer to. Having to flip pages back and forth to follow logic might be a pain so alternately, perhaps it could be broken up into smallish segments so it could fit on one page. Depending on size, I could rework the text and labels on the existing. The words or labels could be replaced, rearranged, shrunk or schematics also shrunk a bit so the description could be inserted.
Posted on: 2011/5/25 20:57
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Home away from home
I've been away for some time and have had this issue on my mind for just about all of it. Since the weather has changed so that it's time to drive it, I need to resolve the issue.
The application of power to the motor doesn't seem to work in either the up or down direction. If I remove the motor, which direction should I turn the internal shaft, according to the pictures posted in post #38? Looking up at the 'bell crank' link, it must swivel counter clockwise to be correct. If I choose to do the unload of the arms via step 5 in as it sits, could I brace the downward outboard links with wedged pieces of wood to absorb the sudden snap? Will the car return to a level state after the unloading of these arms? Thanks for your help, as always.
Posted on: 2011/6/7 22:20
IF EVERYTHING IS COMING YOUR WAY ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YOU'RE IN THE WRONG LANE! '56 Executive Touring Sedan |
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Forum Ambassador
I'd go ahead and remove the motor and try that first. As to direction, I think you will just have to try both. One direction will be considerably harder turning than the other so the easy direction will be the one to unwind and it would be going CCW on the link. If they both are very hard, then something has happened inside and you will have to do the service bulletin method.
The blocks would not be a good idea because in order to catch the release, they would also have to prevent any travel and would become jammed tightly with no way to remove them. I've not tried it or know anyone who has but if enough room, possibly a come along could be rigged with the cable in a long loop so the cable could loop over both sides to hold the ball levers on the short bars down where transverse bars connect and then have a controlled release with that. You'd have to watch the cable didn't get pinched if you tried it. Once you get back to approximately the correct spot with the ball levers the car will be more level than it currently is but maybe not all the way depending on several factors--accessories in front, stuff in trunk, bar loading etc. With things being twisted so hard for so long, it may take a while for things to relax and sort out.
Posted on: 2011/6/7 22:31
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Home away from home
HH56, will attempt this asap. Your explanations are comforting to a worried Packard owner
Posted on: 2011/6/7 22:55
IF EVERYTHING IS COMING YOUR WAY ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YOU'RE IN THE WRONG LANE! '56 Executive Touring Sedan |
Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working
Home away from home
Chances are the TL motor only needs the internal electrical connexions cleaned and the commutator cleaned up a little and the brushes cleaned.
The TL motor can be bench tested but it will require making a very simple 'tool'. Cut a circular piece of 3/4" board the same size as the inner diameter of the TL motor housing. Drill the center of it for a bushing, i think a starter bushing will work. JB weld the bushing into the wooden circle and assemble it to the motor. Be careful when applying electricity to the TL motor. It is a high torque motor and mite want to start rolling across the bench real fast so hold it down.
Posted on: 2011/6/8 6:37
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |