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Old Gold Boneyard
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Thought most of you would be interested in seeing this video of a junkyard down here in "Old Town" Florida that has hundreds of cars from the 30's up thru the 70's. I've known about it for years but never had a need to go in the past as there had always been yards that were closer to me that had what I needed. Of course as the years have gone by and parts cars have gotten more scarce, I think we have all had to expand our hunting grounds. I called Wayne, the owner of "Old Gold" recently to inquire about some wheels for my Packard and I could tell he was reluctant to tell me this but his response went something like "Uh...well...I ended up crushing a few of the Packards that I had and then sold the remaining 50's Packards and Lincolns to an outfit in Georgia" You what???...I know you didn't say "crush"...Then he says "well I wasn't selling any parts off of them"...did you ever consider the fact that someone might have bought an entire car just to keep around for the parts???...Geez...anyway, the Packards you see in the video have either been sold to China or as he stated, an oufit in Georgia...but it's still a pretty neat video to watch...


Posted on: 2011/12/1 9:15
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Re: Old Gold Boneyard
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Kind'a sad to see cars of the past looking like that. .........Some of the cars in their old neglected state still look beautiful and desirable. RIP

Posted on: 2011/12/1 13:09
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Re: Old Gold Boneyard
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packardguy53 wrote:
Kind'a sad to see cars of the past looking like that. .........Some of the cars in their old neglected state still look beautiful and desirable. RIP

You said it Packardguy...sadly, the entire era that those cars represent was IMO the most desirable decade of all. it's almost like everything that was U.S. designed and built after WWII and even up into the early 60's represented a sense of everything being right with the world ...to me, it was like Uncle Sam stood up, beat on his chest and showed the rest of the world what we were all about...those cars were big, powerful and yet graceful in design and represented the strength of a nation that deservedly celebrated its success at a point in time when it stood a head above the rest...so now we look back, shake our heads and wonder what happened...I think many of us hang onto these old cars because it's our way of clinging to the past and a pace that we can keep up with...its our way of travelling back to a time that we were most comfortable in...a place where we can retrace our historical footprints and preserve our fragile sanity.

Sorry about that...didn't mean to psychoanalyze the Junkyard setting here...

Posted on: 2011/12/2 8:34
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