Re: Vacuum wiper system behaving erratically
Forum Ambassador
Assuming the problem isn't mechanical with friction that comes and goes in the cables and/or sheaves, I'd be looking for a stray vacuum leak that can come and go, and then I'd check the vacuum booster pump. Take it apart and of course check the diaphram and it's action, but pay particular attention to the pair of one-way valves.
Posted on: 2012/4/11 13:38
Re: Vacuum wiper system behaving erratically
Home away from home
In the Packard Service Index, there is an article in a newsletter about servicing the wipers. Check it out.
Posted on: 2012/4/11 14:31
(?=#=?) "If chrome got me home, I'd for sure still be stuck somewhere." [url=http://pac |
Re: Vacuum wiper system behaving erratically
Home away from home
I had a lot fun rebuilding the wiper moter ,,have you done this? it might solve your issu ,what happens is there is a paddle that swings back and forth inside of that little 1/2 pie aluminum housing slung down and a little shuttlecock thingo that applies vacum to one side of the paddle in the chamber then the other pulling it back and forth ,flip flop flip flop ,the packard loans it some extra vacumb from the fuel pump in addition to manifold vacumb ,lines o.k.?
the problem is the grease inside it ,if original ,its ancient and gets hard ,itl make the pump awrnery and work erratically ,there are rebuild kits that mostly are the gasket,you can send them off to some guys to have rebuilt ,but if it rains alot its you verses nature... u could take it apart and use permatx liquid gasket which I dont think they had in 1950 ,use silicone grease to replace the ancient hard grease and dont forget to grease up the top of the paddle as well as the bottom ,the pump comes out by 2 screws at either side of the housing and doesnt disturb the bizarre and difficult to set up cables under the dash , and pops right back in after the fix .dont loose the little teeny parts of the back and forth mechanism and remember how they came out ,maby take a pic with your phone before taking it apart .i dont think they could do this in 1950 either ,its a easy fun rebuild and after you get 2 speeds and a park feature to gloat over while you can sing the "I can see clearly now" song
Posted on: 2012/4/15 19:22