Re: Thermostat retainer
Just can't stay away
Taking these one at a time:
First, the rear axle filler plug: An open wned wrnech will not fit in there well enough to proeprly grab the plug, due to the reinforcing "fins" around the plug area. A 1/2" drive socket reversed will not work because the darn plug is NOT 1/2" like it appears, but rather actually is a 9/16" dimension across the flats. I bought a 9/16" 8-point socket yesterday at NAPA to try. Even this will be a challenge because the presence of the reinforcing fins around the plug means that I must use a 3" extension between the socket and the handle. THAT will make it necessary to hold the end of the extension rather firmly to keep the socket from sliding off the plug. I'll give it a try sometime today or tomorrow. Second the thermostat instllation: I am REALLY glad BigKev said to make sure the thermostat is going in in the right direction. Because, the darn Pakcard service manual contradicts itself on this! The PHOTO in the "radiator and cooling" section shows the thermostat with the round flat plate at the bottom, whereas the cutaway drawing in the engine section appears to show the opposite! Maybe the photo and drawing are just unclear, BUT: which way is the correct orientation in this Packard engine? Remember, I don't have an exisitng one in there to just duplicate the orientation of. Jim G
Posted on: 2008/8/16 10:24
Re: Thermostat retainer
Forum Ambassador
The sensing end of thermostat should be toward the engine because there would be no way for thermostat to accurately open otherwise. That seems to be what the various year manuals I looked at show.
Posted on: 2008/8/16 10:45
Re: Thermostat retainer
Home away from home
The fins on the pumpkin are the problem. I'll tell you what I did just this morning to get my differential fill plug out.
Take a 1/2" combo wrench and use the open end on the square plug. But when you put it on, put it straight out toward the front of the car. Not like you'd normally use the wrench, but straight onto the top of the fill plug, just as if you were going to insert it into the fill hole. Then use a screwdriver in the closed-end part of the wrench to make a "T" out it. Just turn the "T" to turn the fill plug straight out. I just replaced my pinion seal. You can see what I am doing in an "under construction" page -here-.
Posted on: 2008/8/16 18:37