Hi Ian, I do not seem to get on the forum as often as I should. I have been working on the 37 but it has not been redoing or repairing the wood. The front and rear brakes have got me chasing parts all over. I thought I would tear into the rear end while waiting for parts. I am sorry I was not clear on my question about the wood kit you got with your car. If you can remember were or the area you purchased your 1937 Packard from....maybe I can look at company's that might make replacement parts in that general area? Probably a long shot but it might lead to something. I am like you and hope this will trigger someone else who has more experience than me to chime in. The picture you sent was great and all suggestions are helpful.
It's nice to see your last post. I don't necessarily want to put names, etc, on a public forum, but I'm about to send you a private message with what I know of the background of my Packard. Like you said, it may help.