Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Quite a regular
Not sure on the threads, but it took an 8mm wrench to loosen it. A small thing but enough to piss a person off just the same-Ah well
Posted on: 2009/8/14 9:41
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Forum Ambassador
Guys, I presume we're all joking about the judging thing. Let's be real here - first there is no real difference between 8 mm and 5/16 (both the about the same at 0.31 inches), and even if it should have been 3/8 or 0.375, no judge would ever in ten lifetimes note it, much less give a hoot.
Mike - did you try 5/16 on the bleeder screw hex? It's a very common size for them and within a few thousands the same as 8 mm.
Posted on: 2009/8/14 11:00
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Quite a regular
Owen-I am kidding, but I have seen Model A guys nit pick on something as trivial as the head size and finish on bolts that you have to crawl under the car to see.
Posted on: 2009/8/14 11:50
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Forum Ambassador
Yes Mike, I've seen it too and have chuckled over it. Those Model A guys are either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on your stance, that so much data exists about those many little details.
Posted on: 2009/8/14 12:03
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Forum Ambassador
The nit pickers in the Chevrolet Corvette clubs are every bit as bad. I once had a Corvette fanatic tell me that there should be exactly 13 hog rings holding down each seat cushion cover on my '66 Stingray to be factory correct!
Posted on: 2009/8/14 12:38
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Forum Ambassador
Just imagine how citizens of the British Empire must have felt when the Whitworth system was replaced by SAE and Metric system.
Posted on: 2009/8/14 12:51
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Quite a regular
As the owner of two BSA A10s I can relate!
Posted on: 2009/8/14 13:04
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Home away from home
"I once had a Corvette fanatic tell me that there should be exactly 13 hog rings holding down each seat cushion cover on my '66 Stingray to be factory correct!"
Should have told him: Yes, but only because Chevrolet was too cheap to 14 hog rings.
Posted on: 2009/8/14 13:23
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: @#*&%*# Metric!
Home away from home
Mike G. Just out of curisoity what is the name of your Parts store????
Posted on: 2009/8/14 13:31
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |