Re: 1928 instrument panel leatherette repair
Forum Ambassador
There are (or were) kits available for repair of tears or holes in vinyls, whether or not they would work on your "leatherette" is a question I can't answer - probably depends in part on the compatibility of the materials. The kits were primarily for repair of tears or holes in vinyl roofs and seats.
Basically the kit provided a mold release agent that you applied to a good portion of the vinyl and then used a resin to form a flexible die in the reverse of the surface texture or grain. Then you used a thermoplastic resin which you could colorize with pigments to patch the hole or tear and then used the die to replicate the surface texture on the repair. Though I haven't seen these kits available in years I suppose they are still around, perhaps someone will have a contact or you could try Google. But if you want to replace rather than repair, it sounds to me like a "do it yourself" job. Finding a material that looks the same (though not the same composition) should be an easy matter - have you looked at roof topping materials? Also there are endless varieties of vinyls around with various surface textures.
Posted on: 2015/12/24 9:04