Re: 1953 Packard Clipper Manual Transmission
Forum Ambassador
No dipstick on manuals. There is a threaded plug on the passenger side of trans. If you have OD, one there too. Remove the plugs and stick the end of your finger in to see if lube is at the bottom of the opening. If not add until level reaches plug opening and it just starts to run back out. Both the trans and OD need to be checked and if needed, filled separately.
If you need to drain then there are separate plugs on the bottom or maybe very low on the side of trans and on OD. Remove those and drain the old lube. Reinstall the bottom plugs and refill as described above.
Posted on: 2016/8/6 13:02
Re: 1953 Packard Clipper Manual Transmission
Quite a regular
Thank you!
Posted on: 2016/8/6 13:06