Home away from home
Posted on: 2020/1/3 11:45
Re: Hemmings
Home away from home
Yes, it is true. We were one of several SE Michigan auto museums that won Challenge Grants from the MotorCities National Heritage Area - a partner with the National Parks Service.motorcities.org/ . As a Challenge Grant, MCNHA refunds us $1 for every $5 we spend on restoring the projects we cited in our grant request. We did ask for $25,000, but their budget is limited and there are other museums and we can receive $10,000. Again, this is a refund deal - we need to find and spend $50,000 in order to be refunded $10,000 from them.
We have a lot of projects that we want to complete over the next few years. For example, we want to get the Engineering/Tank Test Building back into shape. Eighteen years ago, we put in new, thermopane windows, removed asbestos from the steam pipes, rebuilt the roof decking and covered it with a new roof, thus making it weather tight. We need to add heat, air-conditioning, improved electrical service and meet all current ADA and building requirements. A quick estimate indicates that bill will be $1.5 million. We can use all the help you can give us to match the Challenge Grants and meet our mission. Happy New Year, --Roger--
Posted on: 2020/1/3 14:58