Just can't stay away
Joined: 2017/4/10 10:55 Last Login
: 2023/3/26 20:17
From Annandale, VA, Fairfax
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Going through making progress in rehab'ing a lot in the engine compartment...new head/exhaust gaskets, carb, etc. The latest: I drained the oil and it looks as if I have water (antifreeze) mixed in with the oil. When drained into a pan, there is major separation with a layer of oil on top and a greenish sludge on the bottom. It does not resemble clean or dirty oil at at. So my questions and areas where I need assistance: -Where other than the head gasket can the antifreeze be mixing with the oil? -I've removed, cleaned and inspected the head and it looks good...no cracks, no issues. -I am changing the head gasket. -If the block has a crack, where do I need to look for the crack...ie, are there places on the Super 8 engine that are prone to cracks? -Where else, what parts of the car do i need to look at for why/how this water is getting into the engine oil. -When I get home I will post a few photos that I took of the oil/sludge mixture. I am hoping, so much, that this is some kind of one-off and water somehow got in here through a bad gasket or something else. Pending finding any cracks, I am going to reassemble, fill the oil, run it for a while and see if the oil remains clean or is starting to mix again with water. Any help, suggestions or recommendations with your experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rich
Posted on: 2022/1/5 14:52