Re: Pictures of V8 air conditioning hoses urgently needed!
Forum Ambassador
I think the hole into passenger area and where it is drilled is going to depend on the evaporator unit you chose. Many are available either right or left hoses, back, top or side so lots of options and you need to accommodate what you have. I would buy a bulkhead cover or grommet for the engine side just to finish it off if one did not come with your system and the hole is in plain sight.
The only fairly unobstructed place to drill on the passenger side is a bit low and to the fender side of heater below the thermal valve or in the space between cowl side and inner fender. The other location that people have used is actually behind the valve cover, more centered but a real pain to do with heater and engine in place. It really depends on where the connections to evaporator are. The factory location for refrigerant is the small odd shaped opening below the large square air inlet shown in the 4th picture. Easy to get to on engine side, but IIRC the heater plenum will be a problem on interior on yours. That plenum isn't there with factory AC. Location and routing of anything else depends on where your condenser fittings are, what type receiver dryer you have, evaporator fittings and compressor location. With an aftermarket setup, most are going to have to be determined on the fly by your installer. The hoses going into condenser area are no problem. There is a triangle shaped opening on either side near top of radiator splasher. Assume you are going with a passenger side compressor so that would be the one to use although it is a bit cramped because of the horn & heater blower--but usable. Packard factory had everything on the drivers side. There are several pictures of various installs and engine compts spread throughout this ... flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0 I only have one picture of a partial aftermarket hose routing on fender but don't remember where it came from.
Posted on: 2011/9/28 16:05
Re: Pictures of V8 air conditioning hoses urgently needed!
Home away from home
Many thanks for the snaps and the links. Anyone else?
Posted on: 2011/9/29 14:09
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...