Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Forum Ambassador
Hollander Interchange says 1934-1938 Eight (320 motor) will interchange but I know a 33 Eight head fits a 34 so I'd say it's 33 thru 38 320 engines (Eight thru 1936, Super Eight 1937 and 1938. Note the 33 and 34 won't have a provision for a cylinder head thermostat. Hollanders says 1939 Super Eight doesn't interchange. Depending on the year and CR, you may find both aluminum and cast iron; best to pick the cast iron.
Posted on: 2013/10/7 14:22
Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Home away from home
Great, thanks! Sounds a bit easier than what I had imagined.
I would prefer cast iron, of course. Aluminun is kind of troublesome, in my experience. But, I woudl like to ask also, when heads were aluminum, were they painted to match the engine or left in cast aluminum color? Thanks again!
Posted on: 2013/10/7 14:33
Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Forum Ambassador
I can provide a 1937 cast iron head, or, if you prefer, I can also provide a cast iron 1939 head, which is a better head due to increased water cooling passages. Ask the experts on this detail. The adaptation required for use of the 1939 head is quite simple, as outlined in the Packard service notes. I would not normally suggest using the 35-36 aluminum heads.
Posted on: 2013/10/7 15:58
Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Home away from home
Thanks! Somehow I was under the impression that 1937 used aluminum, or that is what the past owner told me, but from your post, I take it that I am wrong. I will contact you off line.
Posted on: 2013/10/7 16:09
Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Forum Ambassador
I'm no expert on these cars, but the use of aluminum cylinder heads on prewar cars caught my attention while composing various installments for this site's online Service Index.
Clearly, there were issues of corrosion/leaks with aluminum cylinder heads - see SL Vol. 12, No. 7. Apparently enough that, in 1938, they returned to cast-iron heads for the 17th Series (1939) production. They even recommended installing cast-iron heads on cars back through the 12th Series (including 120s), though redrilling was required for the Super Eight block - see SL Vol. 12, No. 19. However, it wasn't long before they surperseded the aluminum heads for service with cast-iron units that required no rework - see SL Vol. 12, No. 21. While a 1937 Super Eight left the factory with an aluminum head, it may very well have been replaced with cast-iron one, later.
Posted on: 2013/10/7 16:52
Re: 1937 Super Eight aluminum engine head
Home away from home
Thank you Brian. Very interesting information. It prooves that we all make mistakes, even Packard, and it is of wise men to correct them!
I will try to get one of the cast iron ones not needing to redrill, preferably. Thanks, victor
Posted on: 2013/10/8 17:01