Re: 48 Custom 8 (356 cubic inch) tune up parts
Forum Ambassador
Important to know if you engine has 10mm spark plugs as it did originally, or if it has been converted to 14mm either by having been drilled and rethreaded, or by a replacement cylinder head. Good plugs readily available at any good parts store in either case.
Kanter sells complete tune-up kits, I'm sure Max Merrit does as well. But all of the components are available individually from better local auto parts stores but you may have to help a bit with part numbers. The part numbers for points, condensor, cap & rotor have been posted here many times. If you browse a bit you'll find it or perhaps someone with a bit more time will repeat it for you. The current points will differ slightly in the mounting from the OEM points but will work just fine. Lovely cars, those 48 Custom 8s, had one for many years (pix below).
Posted on: 2012/8/31 13:40
Re: 48 Custom 8 (356 cubic inch) tune up parts
Home away from home
Hey 48Packard, Beautiful 2252 you have there. Santa Fe is my old stomping grounds. I know some Packard owners there who can help you. PM me and we can discuss off line.
(o[]o) Edit: O_D made a mistake, thought it was 48Packard's.
Posted on: 2012/8/31 17:15
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: 48 Custom 8 (356 cubic inch) tune up parts
Home away from home
Plugs Champion UY6 (842 might be NAPA number)
Points for Autolite IGT 4203: CS721A - arrange pieces as shown Will look for more. Attach file: (13.38 KB)
Posted on: 2012/8/31 23:06
Re: 48 Custom 8 (356 cubic inch) tune up parts
Forum Ambassador
Here's the most recent numbers I have for an AutoLite IGT:
NAPA/Echlin Points CS721A Condensor AL 869 Rotor AL 63 Cap AL 66 Coil IC-7 Standard Ignition Points AL5255XP Condensor AL 118X Rotor AL 99 Cap AL 97 Coil UC 14X I can't guarantee all these numbers are active, some could have been superceeded or even discontinued though I think all the Echlin #s are still active. Others will know. Current spark plug recommendations from AutoLite: if 10mm, #3136 if 14 mm, #308
Posted on: 2012/9/1 8:13