Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
Generally, make sure your ignition is set correctly. The right point gap, dwell angle and timing. Everything must be in excellent condition, no "good enough" parts.
Then, set the choke so it closes when cold and pulls open slightly when started. Next, warm the engine up and the choke should open completely and the throttle should come off the fast idel cam. After its warm and running, adjust the idle down and then turn your idle enrichment screws one at a time. Turn it in until you hear a miss and then out until it stumbles. Then turn it to about the center of the two extremes. Do both screws and then adjust idel down again. Redo the idel screws again and you should be good.
Posted on: 2013/4/20 12:23
1954 Clipper Super Touring Sedan -5462
Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
I think ignition is in good order. Let's start at the choke, I'm not even sure where or how to set that as you say. Should I take a pic or two of my setup and then maybe you or someone can guide me through it?
Posted on: 2013/4/20 13:11
Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
With a dead cold engine, if you open the throttle slightly, the choke should fall closed completely. Also, the throttle stop screw should be on the fast idel cam. The choke plate should be able to pushed open like 3/8 of an inch without touching the throttle. When the engine is warmed up, the choke should be pulled open completely. And slightly opening the throttle will let the fast idel cam fall out of the way.
That took longer to type on the iPhone than it takes to check.
Posted on: 2013/4/20 13:49
1954 Clipper Super Touring Sedan -5462
Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
Dear Packard0:
This is getting rather complicated. There is a screw on the throttle to set the idle speed. If it doesn't fall on the stop then disconnect the linkage and recheck. As for hot starting, floor the accelerator when cranking.
Posted on: 2013/4/20 16:35
Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
OK, I'm going to go look at it tomorrow as it's in storage and if I can't figure it out I'll take a pic or two and come back here with it.
Posted on: 2013/4/20 20:15
Re: 54 359 idle (?)
Home away from home
Download the service manual PDF and take a look. This is covered in the fuel section.
Posted on: 2013/4/21 6:43
1954 Clipper Super Touring Sedan -5462