Re: Length of head studs above the block
Forum Ambassador
I don't recall ever seeing a spec. Believe the studs were threaded into the block until they bottomed. There were different length studs and also different thread studs were phased into production in the late 47 early 48 period. Packard said the different thread types -- rolled vs cut threads -- were not interchangeable. I wonder if the last time it was apart someone subbed some wrong studs that won't thread properly or possibly the holes into water jacket are rusted and studs can't thread down. If that is the case be careful or you might break a stud. If you do set a firm distance for all, don't forget you have to allow for anything that has to go under a head nut. Not sure what all might be on a 49 head but I believe the coil and ign wire bracket is one thing that has to go under a nut. There may be others.
Posted on: 2015/3/14 23:53
Re: Length of head studs above the block
Just can't stay away
So far I've adjusted 30 of the 38. Have not been able to get two studs to move, so I'll leave them where they are. They are close to the 2 5/16". All the bolt on items--oil filter, ignition coil/plug wires and air cleaner support all bolt to the side of the head.
Posted on: 2015/3/15 22:04
Re: Length of head studs above the block
Forum Ambassador
Good to hear it is cooperating but hope moving the studs won't introduce a slight leak on those that go into the water jacket. Interesting (and good) that they changed the mountings to the side on the later engines. On the 21st series the ign wire bracket and horn bracket are under the head stud nuts. A P.I A. to remove those items.
Posted on: 2015/3/15 22:24