Re: Best method for locking the crank
Just can't stay away
Use an impact wrench to take it off. Put the car in gear when you put it back on and torque to the recommended lb pressure.
Posted on: 2015/3/25 14:39
Proudly using my real name for 67 years.
Re: Best method for locking the crank
Forum Ambassador
But wondering: is a screw-in stop (to the spark plug hole) sufficient enough to lock the crank
Ouch, I'm cringing just at the thought, much less the act! Please DON'T. And anyway the spark plug is over the valves and not the piston. If you don't have an impact gun or enough room to use it (best method), first try putting the car in gear, applying the parking brake as firmly as you can, and chocking the rear wheels. That method was sufficient for me to get the damper on and off my 48 "356" engine some years back. Applysome force and hold it for a time, then relax it for a moment - then again a bit more, relax again, and so on. If it doesn't loosen after that treatment, use a jack or something to keep a constant pressure on the wrench handle overnight.
Posted on: 2015/3/25 14:40
Re: Best method for locking the crank
Home away from home
Wow, you're absolutely right! I have looked at the engine section of the manual many times - I should have realized that would not work at all.
Thanks for the suggestion of the impact wrench. It's something I've needed for a long time, but perhaps this is as good an excuse as any to finally go get one. I do have a compressor large enough to run it. Does anyone have a brand they like and would recommend without hesitation? Otherwise it's off to Harbor Freight for me. Not great quality tools but in a pinch, they do. The oddest thing: I have yet to be able to get the car into gear. I depress the clutch pedal and try to shift into gear, but the shifter lever won't drop in. It's as if there's some kind of detent in the way, for all gear positions. Maybe the clutch pressure plate is stuck or glued to the flywheel?
Posted on: 2015/3/25 19:50
Re: Best method for locking the crank
Forum Ambassador
Doubt the pressure plate being stuck would prevent movement. At least one of the gears should just rotate as they slide. Can you disconnect the rods from the levers on side of trans and then move anything? Could be some problems inside. The detent block had a problem with loosening on some units and IIRC there was a photo posted of one unit showing a broken spring that jammed up the works.
Posted on: 2015/3/25 20:02