Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Forum Ambassador
If they are viewed facing from the front so the edge tapers follow the normal widening of the hood stamping ie like they were mounted, the little points on the front of scoop will point toward the center of hood; passenger side scoop will be pointing to your right and vice versa.
If Packard & not mounted then believe they are either stamped RH or LH or the part number ending 544 would be passenger, 545 would be drivers. Not sure if the repros have markings so maybe visual on those. Attach file: (9.18 KB)
Posted on: 2012/4/28 12:07
Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Forum Ambassador
Something doesn't look right about those castings. I'd have to go out and look at mine, but I think the square fascia behind the runner rib isn't right - are these repro parts?
PS - went out and took a closer look at mine. What I noted before seems to be not much different, but as I look I don't think it's possible to mount either scoop on the wrong side as the scoop is not symmetrical, the left and right sides of each are tailored to the differences in the shape of the raised hood contour.
Posted on: 2012/4/28 15:47
Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Forum Ambassador
That one may have been -- was just a quick photo I knew where was that showed the point angle well. This one from my car is the real thing but different photo angle doesn't show what I was trying to describe as clearly. Attach file: (6.02 KB)
Posted on: 2012/4/28 16:03
Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Forum Ambassador
Thanks HH, the one shown in your photo just above looks exactly like mine. But do you agree that the left and right sides of the raised hood section are different heights and contours, so you couldn't mount them incorrectly without it being obvious, it they fit at all?
Posted on: 2012/4/28 16:21
Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Forum Ambassador
Height definitely. Taller on the outside edge so another easy way to tell them apart if side by side and not mounted.
It would be highly unlikely they would mount incorrectly but I learned a long time ago to never say never when someone is determined and has a big enough hammer.
Posted on: 2012/4/28 16:28
Re: Identifying right vs. left 56 Caribbean Hood Scoop
Home away from home
Hey Howard, this website is just the living end! Thanks so much for the helpful information. I'm now thrilled to report that I have a left AND a right scoop for my project!
Thanks again!
Posted on: 2012/4/28 16:39
1956 Packard Caribbean Convertible
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