Re: Do you ever get this?
Home away from home
All the time.
However there are a few that will tell you a story that their parents drove nothing but Packard, and about an equal number that will come-up to me and tell me their parents had a car exactly like mine, and it was a DeSoto . . . Is this a DeSoto?
Posted on: 2021/3/13 14:20
Re: Do you ever get this?
Home away from home
As a teenager when I used to drive my 1940 Packard 110, I would park it right in front where I worked so that I could keep an eye on it through the large window. At that time and for a short while, it had a set of Nash wheel covers and older people used to say, “I remember those Nashes! Great cars!”
Posted on: 2021/3/14 14:54
Re: Do you ever get this?
Home away from home
More evidence why they went out of business!
"Ask the man who owns one, because no one else knows what it is"??? I was born not far from Warren, OH and Packard was a music hall or auto "electric" plant for GM. Unless you had been to the museum or had an uncle that had a '38, but he thought it was a '37... When I posted his car picture, I was summarily informed of the egregious error by the "elites". Talk about ego deflation. Uncle's legacy thwarted. Later to find out, OH titled them back then, as the year it was titled. So who knows? OH, you used the "C" word! How dare U? (I got 2.)
Posted on: 2021/3/14 19:21
Re: Do you ever get this?
Home away from home
I also have one.
Posted on: 2021/3/14 19:49